
Trigage's Workshop Propels Savoy Cinemas Toward a Green Future

January 23, 2024

One of Trigage’s core service offerings is planning and running workshops for our customers.

This blog talks about the workshop Trigage conducted for Savoy Cinemas.

The workshop, facilitated by Trigage for 15 members of Savoy Cinema’s management team in October, was aimed at addressing the need for environmental sustainability within Savoy’s operations. With the continued use of fossil fuels being unsustainable and environmental issues rising high on the public agenda, it’s an opportunity for Savoy Cinemas to do their bit in protecting the environment and reducing their carbon footprint. The workshop’s target was to get the management team to work together  to to find ways of introducing further commercially viable environmental sustainability initiatives.

The workshop began with a discussion on the climate crisis and the impact of emissions on rising temperatures. The potential consequences of inaction by 2100 were highlighted, including coastal flooding, drought, and a 25% drop in the standard of living. This set the stage for the importance of addressing environmental sustainability.

The workshop also delved into the geopolitical and economic situation and its impact on the cinema industry, including the war in Ukraine and the Middle East, the aftermath of COVID, and the actors and writers strike. These factors were identified as impacting the supply of films and revenues for cinemas, making it even more important to balance the impact on the climate and the costs of running the cinemas.

The workshop also included an interactive 'carbon emissions' themed quiz to put the topic into perspective and get everyone thinking about their own personal carbon footprints. This was followed by a discussion of the actions Savoy Cinemas had already taken to reduce their environmental impact, including initiatives put in place by the senior leadership team.

Breakout sessions were conducted to brainstorm ideas for improving the retail offering, making buildings more efficient, and changing the culture within the organisation. The initiatives that were outputted from these sessions included ideas such as popping their own popcorn to reduce carbon footprint, introducing reusable drink cups, adding water and still fruit drinks to the drink pumps, water harvesting, smart cinemas with automation, and implementing recycling bins.

The workshop also addressed the culture within the organisation and customers behaviours, with initiatives such as reusable packaging for customers, incentivising staff to use public transportation, and bi-yearly meetings with staff to discuss sustainability efforts.

Overall, the workshop provided Savoy Cinemas' management team with an opportunity to step back from day-to-day operations and to hear about and contribute to the environmental sustainability journey that Savoy is embarking on. It allowed for interaction, idea sharing, and the opportunity for everyone's views to be listened to and applied. The initiatives that were discussed and brainstormed during the workshop have the potential to make a significant impact on reducing the carbon footprint of Savoy Cinemas while also producing cost savings. It was a step in the right direction towards achieving environmental sustainability within the cinema industry.